Data Centres
Technology changes in recent years have led to a rapid increase in the number and size of data centres. Smart-phones, online shopping, cloud-technology and social media are just some of the developments which have led to this growth.
From a lighting perspective, data centres can present unique challenges.
There are clear benefits to letting the award-winning Thorlux lighting design team handle the creation of your new scheme. The team has years of experience in designing efficient, effective lighting schemes for data centres around the world, including approximately twenty mega/hyperscale data halls and other colocation data centres. This service covers internal and external lighting design, helping sites achieve LEED environmental certification and reducing environmental impact.
Data Centre Application GuideAreas
Energy management
Data centres use lots of energy, and it is difficult to achieve energy savings from the major loads such as servers and the air conditioning chillers. Lighting is one area where savings can be achieved.
Thorlux offers a comprehensive range of lighting management systems from basic presence detection, through to full wireless control and monitoring systems.
Find out moreUPS/Standby Generation
All data centres have standby power supplies which keep the servers and air conditioning running in the event of a power outage. In many areas the lighting is split across essential and non-essential circuits, so in the event of a power failure, the essential circuits are fed from the standby generator providing a reduced lighting level.
Emergency Lighting
The provision of emergency lighting in data centre applications is determined by the site’s use, size, and complexity. The mounting height of emergency luminaires is a major consideration. Maintenance access is essential, so luminaires should be installed at manageable mounting heights, for example, on walls or clamped onto pillars.
Emergency luminaires should meet the same ingress protection standards as general lighting. In some areas, the ambient temperature may not be appropriate for self-contained emergency fittings, or a very high emergency light level is required due to the nature of the task(s). This is where central battery systems (CBS) can effectively meet the space’s requirements.
Thorlux offers a comprehensive range of emergency lighting control solutions, from standalone emergency to full wireless control and monitoring systems.
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